by Harry Sullivan | Truro Daily | Oct 30 2019 MILLBROOK, N.S. — The owner of a cannabis shop in Millbrook, who has been publicly vocal about his operations, had his products seized in an RCMP raid late Tuesday afternoon. But Robert Wilmot, who is adamant that he is operating legally under his Indigenous rights, said the Mounties…
Month: October 2019

Spot checks are targeted, says Millbrook cannabis proprietor
by Harry Sullivan | Truro Daily | Oct 24th 2019 MILLBROOK, N.S. — Recent RCMP spot checks conducted in Millbrook, according to one shop owner, were set up specifically to target non-natives who are purchasing cannabis products on the reserve. “They’re telling the non-natives to stop and they’re searching their cars and stuff and they tell the…

A year later, Mi’kmaw cannabis vendors still in ‘legal limbo’ in Nova Scotia
Nic Meloney · CBC News · Posted: Oct 17, 2019 ‘I think this is a simple fix, should the province choose to act,’ Millbrook chief writes to premier. It’s been a full year since cannabis was legalized, but Mi’kmaw dispensary owners in Millbrook First Nation in Nova Scotia still have no clarity on the legality of their businesses. First Nations…