A Public Meeting on the Aboriginal and treaty rights involved in the case will be held in Eel River Bar FN at 7pm on Thursday Nov, 30th.
On September 12th, 2018, Mi’kmaw fisherman Cody Caplin of Eel River Bar First Nation had his lobsters, boat, and trailer seized by the Federal government’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans while he was fishing in the unceded waters of Chaleur Bay for food to feed himself and his family. Invoking his constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights, Mr. Caplin has enlisted the support of renown former National Chief Delbert Riley who will be representing him in court and making constitutional arguments on his behalf.
Chief Riley is responsible for negotiating the entrenchment of Aboriginal and treaty rights in sections 25 and 35 of the Canadian constitution in the early 1980s, and has continued fighting for Indigenous people’s rights to the present day. He will be representing Mr. Caplin at the Campbellton courthouse on November 30th and December 1st, and will speak at a public meeting to be held in Eel River Bar First Nation on Thursday, November 30th at 7pm. The location of the meeting will be posted on the www.micmacrights.com website.
For more information about Cody Caplin’s case please read the article “Fighting for sovereign Micmac rights in Ugpi’ganjig” on Dispensing Freedom and the story “Former National Chief Del Riley to assist Mi’kmaw fisherman in New Brunswick constitutional challenge” on Real People’s Media.
For more information about Chief Riley’s achievements and political history, consult his autobiography, The Last President available at www.thelastpresident.ca. For more information about the Micmac Rights Association visit www.micmacrights.com or email micmacrights@gmail.com. Cody Caplin can be reached for comment at 508-686-2119. Chief Riley can be reached for comment at 416-526-4255.