February 24, 2025
Caption: A collection of images and screenshots from recent RCMP raids.
Beginning on February 4, 2025, the Nova Scotia RCMP initiated a series of raids targeting Mi’kmaq-owned truckhouses and residences across Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) many of which belong to Micmac Rights Association members. These raids are ongoing, and while details are still being confirmed, the following territories have been affected:
Bear River
Gold River
Gaspereau Lake / South Alton
Annapolis Valley First Nation (Cambridge 32)
Sipekne’katik / New Ross
“My shop was stolen, my house was destroyed … a lot of my stuff was destroyed”
– Roger Toney
In the course of these raids several violent and disturbing actions by the RCMP have come to light including:
– kicking the door in on a 15 year old boy while he was using the washroom, seizing his phone and forcing him to wipe himself in front of them
– 3 officers tackling and violently arresting a pregnant woman
– almost breaking a man’s arm
– smashing a child’s piggy bank and stealing the $375 inside
– smashing traditional soapstone carvings
– harassing and antagonizing pets
– stealing security systems to cover up evidence
– stealing duty paid cigarettes, cash, electronics and other items
The most egregious act they committed was the actual theft of treaty truckhouses from Mi’kmaw Territory. The Right to operate truckhouses was established in the Peace and Friendship Treaties of 1760-61, they are the physical manifestation of the Crown’s Treaty Relationship with the Mi’kmaw People by giving them a place where they are free to trade in whatever they see fit. Stealing these structures is an act of blatant racism and disrespect against the Mi’kmaw and our well-established Rights.
“That’s Treaty Land and all the way down there, that’s Treaty Land.”
– Shauna Joudrey
We remind the RCMP of their duty to uphold the honour of the Crown and its treaties and Covenant Chain relationship with the Mi’kmaq nation.
Caption: Mi’kmaw truck house being removed from AVFN on Feb 4th, 2025
These raids have deeply affected the ability of Mi’kmaw people to operate their businesses in accordance with Treaty rights. These businesses were offering healing to their communities and economic advancement to their owners and staff. Indigenous People have the right to operate their own economies and sell their goods in accordance with Section 35 of the Constitution Act which affirms all existing treaties such as the Peace and Friendship Treaty of 1752 which gives Indians the Right to sell whatever goods they can.
The insinuations and statements by the RCMP, band councils and the media that these stores are selling unsafe products or are connected with organized crime is absolutely false. These truckhouses were/are operated by members of the Micmac Rights Association (MRA) an Indigenous Governing Body conducting itself in accordance with law and tradition that explicitly prohibits unsafe products and connections to organized crime.
“You basically just tried to kill me”
– Brandon Dorey to RCMP officer after assault
The Nova Scotia government and the RCMP use these false and racist allegations to target legitimate businesses and exclude them from their right to economic empowerment. They have blatantly ignored or opposed repeated attempts at engagement by the MRA and its representatives on the basis of honouring the treaties.
In response to these actions, the Micmac Rights Association (MRA) convened an emergency Kespukwitk district organizing meeting on February 11, 2025 which was attended by over 100 people. During the meeting, participants unanimously voted to adopt an Action Plan to counter the RCMP’s operations and hold them accountable for their actions.
Caption: February 11th, 2025 Micmac Rights Association meeting.
Upcoming Events:
1. Protest and Information Picket
– Date: March 10, 2025
– Time: 12:00 PM (noon)
– Location: Intersection of Wyse Road and Nantucket Avenue
Media and interested parties are encouraged to attend this event to learn more about the community’s response and demands.
2. 111-Kilometer March for Justice
– Date: June 21, 2025
– Location: Annapolis Valley First Nation to Dartmouth RCMP Headquarters (80 Garland Avenue, Dartmouth, NS)
A 15-year-old Mi’kmaw boy, who was traumatized during an RCMP raid (where officers forcibly entered his bathroom, demanded he wipe himself in their presence, and seized his phone), will lead this march. The youth intends to remain at the RCMP headquarters until he receives an official apology and the return of his phone. Media and interested parties are welcome to attend and cover this event, which may extend over several days.
3. Regional and Online Organizing Meetings
The MRA will host a series of regional and online Zoom meetings in the coming months, culminating in a day-long meeting on September 31, 2025, ahead of the October 1 Treaty Day event in Halifax. Press releases will be issued for any meetings that are open to the public.
The Micmac Rights Association remains committed to defending the rights and sovereignty of the Mi’kmaq people and will continue to provide updates as the situation develops.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Related Media Coverage:
Below is a collection of media articles and reports about the raids. If you have additional materials or wish to submit your own media, please contact us at micmacrights@gmail.com.
Videos From Gold River First Nation:
Shauna Joudrey, a Mi’kmaq woman from the Gold River Reserve in Nova Scotia, was violently arrested by the RCMP while trying to protect her community. This is her first-hand account.
Jen Wentzells livestream of Feb 13th Gold River RCMP raid
Livestream of RCMP stealing the truckhouse.
Livestream recorded after Gold Nugget Convenience was closed by band members.
More video recorded from Gold River at Gold Nugget Convenience
The RCMP arrest Shauna Joudrey.
Shauna Joudrey records her own assault and arrest.
Pat from Gold River talks about the raid.
Videos from the Micmac Rights Association meeting February 11 2025:
Roger Toney shares his firsthand account of the RCMP’s illegal raid on his home and shop. His son, Landon, also endured a deeply traumatic experience as a result.
Cory Francis delivers a fiery takedown of the Acadia First Nation (AFN) Chief and Council, exposing their secret deals, lies, and betrayals.
In this video Brandon Dorey speaks on his experience getting raided by the RCMP and assaulted for using his treaty rights.
MRA Action plan responds to illegal raids
February 13th, 2025
KESPUKWITK – Over 100 people attended the Kespukwitk district organizing meeting held by the Micmac Rights Association on Tuesday, February 11th 2025 at the Old Orchard Inn. The meeting shared information about the ongoing treaty breaking activities of the RCMP who have been rampaging across Mi’kma’ki raiding Mi’kmaw truckhouses and homes, stealing shops, beating up and traumatizing Mi’kmaw men, women, children, and pets. In addition to their violence, RCMP officers have been desecrating sacred objects and stealing personal property. After hearing from impacted Mi’kmaw entrepreneurs, the meeting unanimously adopted the following action plan to respond to the lawbreaking actions of the RCMP.
- An immediate end to RCMP raids on Mi’kmaw truckhouses and the immediate return of all property seized by the RCMP.
- A public apology from the RCMP to all the Mi’kmaw people that they traumatized and intimidated in their raids.
- The permanent banning of all RCMP officers who committed acts of violence against Mi’kmaw people and their pets, and who traumatized Mi’kmaw youth from all Mi’kmaw communities.
- A meeting with the RCMP leadership to address the issue of their racism and violation of Mi’kmaw Aboriginal and treaty rights and the adoption of a communication protocol between the MRA and the RCMP.
- A meeting with the Attorney General of Nova Scotia and the provincial leadership to address their violation of Mi’kmaw Aboriginal and treaty rights and the adoption of a communication protocol between the MRA and the province.
- The MRA calls on all individuals and organization who support our demands to sign our petition and to join our Action Plan Organizing Committee.
- We call for a boycott on the towing companies illegally removing Mi’kmaw truckhouses.
- The MRA will file legal applications demanding the return of illegally seized property in the Nova Scotia courts.
- The MRA will deliver a letter to the RCMP and the Province listing our demands.
- The MRA shall organize a public protest and information picket on the Angus L. MacDonald Bridge at noon on March 10th. Meet at the intersection of Wyse Rd. and Nantucket Ave https://maps.app.goo.gl/4UobdMj7uJbbm1Z76.
- The MRA is announcing the holding of a “National Day of Protest against the Violation of Mi’kmaw Aboriginal and Treaty Rights” on National Indigenous Day, June 21st, 2025. We call for co-ordinated actions everywhere on Turtle Island beginning at noon.
- On June 21, 2025 the 15 year old Mi’kmaw boy who was traumatized by RCMP officers (who kicked his bathroom door in and made him wipe himself in front of them and seized his phone), will lead a 111km march from Annapolis Valley First Nation to the Dartmouth RCMP Headquarters at 80 Garland Ave, Dartmouth, NS to receive an apology from the RCMP and to get his phone back. He will also be asking for the piggy bank stolen from another youth in the reserve in the raids. We will stay at the RCMP headquarters until they agree to the apology, so bring tents and firewood and join in on the walk.
- The MRA is organizing a series of regional organizing meetings as well as online Zoom meetings, culminating in a day-long MRA meeting on Sept 31 2025 before the October 1 Treaty Day event in Halifax. The goal for the protests is to have our demands met. If the RCMP meets our demands, the MRA can decide to call off the protests.
Get involved: Join the organizing committee on Signal by clicking this link: https://tinyurl.com/b7u94mt8
Sign the Petition: https://tinyurl.com/zfkn3m7z
Join the MRA: Visit www.micmacrights.com/join and fill out the form to join our Association.
Micmac Rights Association denounces RCMP violence, theft and treaty breaking as Mi’kmaw truckhouses and homes are raided
Feb 7th, 2025
MI’KMA’KI – On February 4-5 the RCMP raided multiple Mi’kmaw truck houses that were causing harm to no one and operating on unceded Mi’kmaw lands in accordance with constitutionally protected Mi’kmaw aboriginal and treaty rights.
The Micmac Rights Association denounces the unlawful actions of the RCMP in raiding treaty truckhouses, violating the Indian Act by removing property from reserve, invading Mi’kmaw homes on reserve, trashing personal belongings and Mi’kmaw artifacts and violently assaulting and harming Mi’kmaw people as part of a campaign of intimidation. The Micmac Rights Association is aware of the following disturbing incidents involving actions taken by the RCMP against Micmac Rights Association members.
In Annapolis Valley First Nation (Cambridge 32):
- The RCMP physically removed three treaty truckhouses on flat bed trucks. Indian property is protected by Section 89 of the Indian Act which reads: “Subject to this Act, the real and personal property of an Indian or a band situated on a reserve is not subject to charge, pledge, mortgage, attachment, levy, seizure, distress or execution in favour or at the instance of any person other than an Indian or a band.” The theft of Mi’kmaw truckhouses by the RCMP is thus a clear violation of Federal Law.
- In addition to raiding truckhouses, the RCMP also invaded the personal residences of Mi’kmaw shop owners, trashing their homes and traumatizing family members. In one home RCMP officers tore priceless Mi’kmaw basketwork apart and smashed precious soapstone carvings.
- RCMP officers raiding a home on reserve also kicked in the door to the bathroom where a 14 year old Mi’kmaw boy was relieving himself while on his phone. The officers charged into the bathroom and seized the boy’s phone right out of his hand while he was on the toilet.
- At another residence in AVFN the traumatized those that were present as they tramped through the house and upturned it. It was the birthday of an 8 year old Mi’kmaw boy who lived in the house. The RCMP broke into his room and stole his piggy bank which contained $375 in cash that he had received from family members for the last two years of his birthday gifts.
- The RCMP also seized quota cigarettes in the house which were the personal property of the band members and provided by the band.
In raids on two treaty truck houses in Gaspereau lake, the RCMP:
- Illegally removed a Mi’kmaw truck house from lands reserved for Indians as well as stealing its contents.
- After refusing to provide a warrant or to identify what charges were being laid, RCMP officers slammed a Mi’kmaw man down on the ground, put his arms behind his back, and jammed his face into the snow to the point that the Mi’kmaw man couldn’t breathe. As the Mi’kmaw man was shouting that he was being assaulted and that an officer was trying to kill him he was again held down in the snow and suffocated.
- As in other raids, the RCMP cut power to and disabled security cameras to hide the evidence of their criminal actions. They even went so far as to steal the internet modem providing service to the property.
The MRA is also aware of an attempted RCMP raid on an empty truckhouse in Kingston, and one in Bear River.
According to Micmac Rights executive member Thomas Durfee, “The RCMP is always avoiding the real problems, such as the hard drugs, addictions, and mental health issues our people face. Instead, they violate their own laws and spend taxpayers money to suppress us Indigenous peoples. All that money and revenue could have been used to help create positive changes within our communities. Instead they are traumatizing and oppressing Mi’kmaw people. This needs to stop.”
The Micmac Rights Association will be filing a legal application in the courts to have the items unlawfully seized by the RCMP returned to the people they stole from. The MRA is also calling upon the RCMP to identify the officers responsible for these despicable acts so that they may be disciplined and removed from their jobs for violating Mi’kmaw rights. The MRA is also fundraising to provide legal support for those charged and to replace the phone and funds in the children’s piggy bank that were seized. Donations may be sent to the MRA via e-transfer at micmacrights@gmail.com.
The Micmac Rights Association hosted an organizing meeting at 6pm on Tuesday February 11th, 2025 at the Old Orchard Inn, at 153 Greenwich Rd S, Wolfville Ridge to strategize an appropriate response to these racist raids. Over 100 people attended.
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