After the Monday March 10th, protest at the Angus L. MacDonald Bridge at Wyse Rd. and Nantucket Ave in Dartmouth, NS., we invite everyone to join us for a feast, speeches and dancing from 2-5pm in the Thistle Room of the nearby Zatzman Sports Complex. Our peaceful protest is about standing up for all Mi’kmaw…
Category: Aboriginal Rights

Get on the buses to the March 10th protest
Fill out the form below to register to get on a bus. Loading…

PRESS RELEASE: RCMP launches raids across Mi’kma’ki, Micmac Rights Association responds with Action Plan
February 24, 2025 Caption: A collection of images and screenshots from recent RCMP raids. Beginning on February 4, 2025, the Nova Scotia RCMP initiated a series of raids targeting Mi’kmaq-owned truckhouses and residences across Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) many of which belong to Micmac Rights Association members. These raids are ongoing, and while details are still…

MRA Action plan responds to illegal raids
KESPUKWITK – Over 100 people attended the Kespukwitk district organizing meeting held by the Micmac Rights Association on Tuesday, February 11th 2025 at the Old Orchard Inn. The meeting shared information about the ongoing treaty breaking activities of the RCMP who have been rampaging across Mi’kma’ki raiding Mi’kmaw truckhouses and homes, stealing shops, beating up and…

Micmac Rights Association denounces RCMP violence, theft and treaty breaking as Mi’kmaw truckhouses and homes are raided
Feb 7th, 2025 MI’KMA’KI – On February 4-5 the RCMP raided multiple Mi’kmaw truck houses that were causing harm to no one and operating on unceded Mi’kmaw lands in accordance with constitutionally protected Mi’kmaw aboriginal and treaty rights. The Micmac Rights Association denounces the unlawful actions of the RCMP in raiding treaty truckhouses, violating the…

Sign the Petition to stand with Clinton Ray Howard!
Loading… Chief Riley speaks about Clinton Ray Howard’s Rights

MRA Biannual Meeting to be held on Sept 30th in Millbrook First Nation, Oct 1 Treaty Day in Halifax
The Micmac Rights Association would like to invite all our members to attend the following upcoming events. The Micmac Rights Association meeting will begin at 4pm at the Legends Gaming Centre at 15 Legends Ave. in Millbrook First Nation on Monday, Sept 30th, and not at 10am as previously announced. A meal will be served…

MRA receives response from Premiers, issues letter in reply
On September 6, 2024 the Micmac Rights Association received a letter from the Premiers of Nova Scotia, PEI and New Brunswick in response to our letter of July 31st, 2024. The did not address the substantive issues of Mi’kmaq Aboriginal and treaty rights raised in the MRA letter. The full letter from the Premiers is…

July 31, 2024 MRA letter to Premiers of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI
July 31, 2024 TO: Premier Tim Houston of Nova Scotia, <> Premier Blaine Higgs of New Brunswick <>, Premier Dennis King of PEI <>, CC: The Governor General of Canada <>, Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations Gary Anandasangaree <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Zach Churchill <>, Hal Perry <>, Claudia Chender <> Pjila’si. We hope this…