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Category: Meetings

MRA Biannual Meeting to be held on Sept 30th in Millbrook First Nation, Oct 1 Treaty Day in Halifax
The Micmac Rights Association would like to invite all our members to attend the following upcoming events. The Micmac Rights Association meeting will begin at 4pm at the Legends Gaming Centre at 15 Legends Ave. in Millbrook First Nation on Monday, Sept 30th, and not at 10am as previously announced. A meal will be served…

Micmac Rights Association becomes Indigenous Governing Body, launches eel and elver fishing plan to assert Micmac rights
MILLBROOK FIRST NATION – Over 45 members of the Micmac Rights Association (MRA) gathered for the fourth biannual meeting of the group on Saturday March 9th from 10am to 4pm at the Hampton Inn in Millbrook First Nation. Members came from across Mi’kma’ki, including from Abegweit, Annapolis Valley, Acadia, Eskasoni, Pictou Landing, Sipekne’katik, and Wekope’kwitk First Nations.

Support Amu Leaf – Public Meeting with Chief Riley
Read more about this issue here. Chief Del Riley is a Hereditary Chief of the Crane Clan of the Chippewa Nation and the last President of the National Indian Brotherhood. Among his achievements was the development and negotiation of Sections 25 and 35 of the Canadian Constitution which enshrine the protection of Aboriginal and Treaty…

Register to attend the March 9th Micmac Rights Biannual Meeting
The Micmac Rights Association is an organization that exists outside and against Canada’s racist Indian Act system. We are building an organization to fight for the inherent sovereign rights of the Micmac people, with a focus on defending our rights to our own fishing, tobacco, and cannabis economies. We are holding our biannual meeting on Saturday, March…

January 18th – Cody Caplin’s next court date and Public Meeting
UPDATE Jan 17 – Court for Cody Caplin has been postponed until Feb 15th. So the Jan 18th meeting has been postponed until Feb 15th. Sorry for any inconvenience. Come and support Eel River Bar First Nation member Cody Caplin in his constitutional challenge for Mi’kmaq Aboriginal and treaty rights. Cody is being charged for…

Videos from November 30th Meeting in Eel River Bar First Nation in support of Cody Caplin
On November 30th, 2023, Albert Marshall Jr., Chief Del Riley, and elder Albert Marshall Sr. addressed a gathering in Eel River Bar First Nation to speak about Micmac rights and to express support for Mi’kmaw fisherman, Cody Caplin. Caplin is currently facing 10 charges for fishing lobsters to feed himself and his family.

Are your aboriginal and treaty rights being violated?
If you are Micmac and your rights have been violated by the Federal government, the Province or an Indian Act Band Council, we want to hear about what happened and discuss what we can do about it together!

Register to attend the October 14 Micmac Rights Biannual Meeting
The Micmac Rights Association is an organization that exists outside and against Canada’s racist Indian Act system. We are building an organization to fight for the inherent sovereign rights of the Micmac people, with a focus on defending our rights to our own fishing, tobacco, and cannabis economies. We are holding our biannual meeting on…

Videos from the May 29th Micmac Rights meeting on Cannabis Control Law and Custom Election Code
On May 29th, 2023, the Micmac Rights Association held a meeting at Legends, in Millbrook First Nation to discuss the Band Council’s proposed Cannabis Control Law and Custom Election Code. This is a video excerpt from that meeting.