The following post provides background information and multimedia resources about the recent protest in St. John, NB against the interference of Provincial Public Safety Officers in the lawful exercise of Micmac Aboriginal and treaty rights. Contents on this page include:
Category: Tobacco

Are your aboriginal and treaty rights being violated?
If you are Micmac and your rights have been violated by the Federal government, the Province or an Indian Act Band Council, we want to hear about what happened and discuss what we can do about it together!

Millbrook RCMP detachment assist Province in illegally raiding King of Weed dispensary in Millbrook First Nation and assaulting Micmac people
On June 1st, 2023, members of the Millbrook RCMP assisted provincial tobacco and fuel officers in stealing over $100,000 of trade goods from the King of Weed truck house in Millbrook First Nation. In doing so, the officers assaulted a Micmac woman and man who were filming the raid. Check out the videos below.

Micmac Rights Newsletter #2
The second edition of the Mi’kmaq Cannabis Newsletter has been published. Hard copies are available from participating Mi’kmaq Cannabis stores, and the PDF version of the newsletter can be viewed here.