February 24, 2025 Caption: A collection of images and screenshots from recent RCMP raids. Beginning on February 4, 2025, the Nova Scotia RCMP initiated a series of raids targeting Mi’kmaq-owned truckhouses and residences across Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) many of which belong to Micmac Rights Association members. These raids are ongoing, and while details are still…
Category: Annapolis Valley First Nation

Micmac Rights Association denounces RCMP violence, theft and treaty breaking as Mi’kmaw truckhouses and homes are raided
Feb 7th, 2025 MI’KMA’KI – On February 4-5 the RCMP raided multiple Mi’kmaw truck houses that were causing harm to no one and operating on unceded Mi’kmaw lands in accordance with constitutionally protected Mi’kmaw aboriginal and treaty rights. The Micmac Rights Association denounces the unlawful actions of the RCMP in raiding treaty truckhouses, violating the…

Micmac Rights Association becomes Indigenous Governing Body, launches eel and elver fishing plan to assert Micmac rights
MILLBROOK FIRST NATION – Over 45 members of the Micmac Rights Association (MRA) gathered for the fourth biannual meeting of the group on Saturday March 9th from 10am to 4pm at the Hampton Inn in Millbrook First Nation. Members came from across Mi’kma’ki, including from Abegweit, Annapolis Valley, Acadia, Eskasoni, Pictou Landing, Sipekne’katik, and Wekope’kwitk First Nations.