February 24, 2025 Caption: A collection of images and screenshots from recent RCMP raids. Beginning on February 4, 2025, the Nova Scotia RCMP initiated a series of raids targeting Mi’kmaq-owned truckhouses and residences across Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) many of which belong to Micmac Rights Association members. These raids are ongoing, and while details are still…
Category: RCMP

Millbrook RCMP detachment assist Province in illegally raiding King of Weed dispensary in Millbrook First Nation and assaulting Micmac people
On June 1st, 2023, members of the Millbrook RCMP assisted provincial tobacco and fuel officers in stealing over $100,000 of trade goods from the King of Weed truck house in Millbrook First Nation. In doing so, the officers assaulted a Micmac woman and man who were filming the raid. Check out the videos below.

Momentum grows as Micmac Rights Association holds second biannual meeting
Association selects executive and creates a Micmac Rights defence fund to support those targeted in the exercise of their rights. MILLBROOK FN – On January 28th, 2023, the Micmac Rights Association held its second biannual meeting in the Millbrook First Nation community hall. The meeting, which went from 10am to 4pm, was a great success,…

Fighting for sovereign Micmac rights in Ugpi’ganjig
The Caplin brothers are on the front lines of the Micmac fight for economic sovereignty. By Dispensing Freedom February 6th, 2022 Near the mouth of the Restigouche River, between the border of New Brunswick and Quebec in the Bay of Chaleur, lies Ugpi’ganjig, or Eel River Bar First Nation. This Micmac* community belongs to the sovereign,…

RCMP raid Bear Buds in Eskasoni to enforce provincial laws on Indigenous lands
Bear Buds in Eskasoni First Nation, Mi’kmaw territory was raided by the RCMP detachment in Eskasoni on Thursday, Jan 18, 2023 at around noon. Several armed RCMP officers came in two vehicles to the store and attempted to force their way in as employees barred their entry. An officer claiming to be a “provincial inspector,”…

RCMP and Provincial Tax Collectors raid Sovereign Mi’kmaq smoke shop
On Wednesday, Oct 6th, the RCMP escorted Charles Naugle, a Fuel and Tobacco Officer of Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services, into Cole Harbour, a district of Millbrook First Nation, where he and another officer proceeded to confiscate tobacco products sold at the High Grade Smoke Shop.

Op-ed: RCMP raids on Millbrook First Nation cannabis dispensaries must stop
By Margie Ann Cook | The Nova Scotia Advocate | June 5, 2021 Millbrook First Nation – Since the legalization of marijuana in Nova Scotia in 2018 several entrepreneurs in our community opened up shops as dispensaries and started selling cannabis products. Recently the RCMP raided and shut down three stores and removed two of them stating concerns and…

RCMP raid unlicensed Cole Harbour cannabis dispensaries
Jack Julian · CBC News · Posted: Dec 23, 2020 9 people arrested and charged under federal Cannabis Act Nine people were arrested Wednesday after the RCMP raided five unlicensed cannabis dispensaries in the Halifax area. Police say they seized a “significant quantity” of cannabis, cannabis products and cash from the dispensaries on Caldwell Road in Cole Harbour. The businesses operated on…

Cannabis products seized from Millbrook shops
by Fram Dinshaw | Truro Daily | Dec 20th 2019 MILLBROOK, N.S. — RCMP officers conducted raids on shops in Millbrook on Wednesday and say charges are pending after cannabis products and paraphernalia were seized. But, Matt Cope, the owner of one location, said he is seeking answers after his cannabis products were seized without a…

RCMP seize ‘significant quantity’ of cannabis products from Millbrook shop
by Harry Sullivan | Truro Daily | Oct 30 2019 MILLBROOK, N.S. — The owner of a cannabis shop in Millbrook, who has been publicly vocal about his operations, had his products seized in an RCMP raid late Tuesday afternoon. But Robert Wilmot, who is adamant that he is operating legally under his Indigenous rights, said the Mounties…