On May 10th, 2024 former National Chief Del Riley spoke to a packed house at the Gitpu trading post at 91 Russell Street. Chief Riley was in St. John to deliver a letter to various local authorities informing them of his correspondence with Public Safety Minister, Kris Austin regarding the April 26th, 2024 raid on the Gitpu Trading Post by Public Safety officers.
Category: Video

Daniel and Trent Francis victorious in Micmac fishing rights case
On Friday, March 22nd, 2024 Daniel Francis and Trent Francis were found not guilty of obstructing a Fisheries Officer by Judge Sarson of the Dartmouth Provincial Court of Nova Scotia. This is the third Micmac rights case won in the last two months by former National Chief Delbert Riley who has been appearing in court…

Former National Chief Del Riley to assist Mi’kmaw fisherman in New Brunswick constitutional challenge
Fisherman Cody Caplin is self-representing in a court battle over Mi’kmaq fishing rights; six days of trial are scheduled in December. BY NEWS EDITOR ON NOVEMBER 20, 2023 CAMPBELLTON, NB – On October 12th, 2023, Mi’kmaw fisherman Cody Caplin appeared in court to fight an attempt by Crown prosecutor Denis Lavoie to summarily dismiss his constitutional challenge as…

Millbrook RCMP detachment assist Province in illegally raiding King of Weed dispensary in Millbrook First Nation and assaulting Micmac people
On June 1st, 2023, members of the Millbrook RCMP assisted provincial tobacco and fuel officers in stealing over $100,000 of trade goods from the King of Weed truck house in Millbrook First Nation. In doing so, the officers assaulted a Micmac woman and man who were filming the raid. Check out the videos below.

Videos from the May 29th Micmac Rights meeting on Cannabis Control Law and Custom Election Code
On May 29th, 2023, the Micmac Rights Association held a meeting at Legends, in Millbrook First Nation to discuss the Band Council’s proposed Cannabis Control Law and Custom Election Code. This is a video excerpt from that meeting.

Video of March 25th public meeting on Micmac fishing rights
From 2-5pm on Saturday March 25, the Micmac Rights Association held a question and answer session for media members and concerned parties to discuss a series of constitutional questions and legal battles concerning Micmac fishing rights which are currently before the courts.

Supporters join Chris Googoo at courthouse to defend Micmac Sovereignty and Treaty Rights
BY ADMIN ON NOVEMBER 1, 2022 DARTMOUTH, NS – Over 40 people accompanied Chris Googoo to his court date at the Dartmouth courthouse on October 11th, 2022. Googoo, an Elected Councillor and entrepreneur in Millbrook First Nation, is raising a constitutional challenge to defend his Aboriginal and Treaty rights to sell cannabis on unceded Indian lands…

Albert Marshall of Eskasoni FN has had all charges dropped after RCMP refuses to show up in court
Dispensing Freedom, August 29, 2022 Albert Marshall, a Mi’kmaq man from Eskasoni First Nation has had all of his charges dropped after the RCMP refused to show up in court on Monday August 29th to provide evidence about raiding his cannabis shop. Marshall was providing medicine to people in his community in accordance with his…

“You’re actually in a hell of a good position here” Chief Del Riley on cannabis in Millbrook FN
Over 80 community members came out to hear former National Chief Del Riley speak about cannabis as an Aboriginal Right. MILLBROOK FIRST NATION – On Wednesday, April 6th, 2022, former National Chief Del Riley made a presentation on the topic of “Decolonization, Moderate Livelihood, and cannabis as an Aboriginal Right” to an enthusiastic crowd of…

Chief Del Riley on the Canadian Constitution, Aboriginal Rights, and Cannabis
Chief Del Riley is a Hereditary Crane Clan Chief, former leader of the National Indian Brotherhood, past president of the Union of Ontario Indians, and past chairman of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples. Among Chief Riley’s many contributions, he helped to author and negotiat Sections 25 and 35 of the Canadian Constitution as the…