Daniel Francis is a Micmac fisherman from Pictou Landing who currently resides in Millbrook First Nation. On September 11th 2021 he was charged with “obstructing a fishery officer” and had his lobsters and reefer truck stolen from him while exercising his constitutionally protected Aboriginal and Treaty Rights. At 9:30am Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 Daniel will…

An open letter to the Indian Act Chief and Council of Millbrook First Nation concerning the need to abolish the Construction and Development Moratorium Bylaw 2021-01
Add your name to the letter by clicking here. We are writing this letter to object to the continued application of the “Construction and Development Moratorium Bylaw 2021-01” of Millbrook First Nation to us as Micmac Indians living on our own unceded lands in Millbrook and Cole Harbour. This bylaw, which was passed without consultation…

Momentum grows as Micmac Rights Association holds second biannual meeting
Association selects executive and creates a Micmac Rights defence fund to support those targeted in the exercise of their rights. MILLBROOK FN – On January 28th, 2023, the Micmac Rights Association held its second biannual meeting in the Millbrook First Nation community hall. The meeting, which went from 10am to 4pm, was a great success,…

Fighting for sovereign Micmac rights in Ugpi’ganjig
The Caplin brothers are on the front lines of the Micmac fight for economic sovereignty. By Dispensing Freedom February 6th, 2022 Near the mouth of the Restigouche River, between the border of New Brunswick and Quebec in the Bay of Chaleur, lies Ugpi’ganjig, or Eel River Bar First Nation. This Micmac* community belongs to the sovereign,…

Micmac Rights Newsletter #4
The fourth edition of the Mi’kmaq Cannabis Newsletter has been published. Hard copies are available from participating Mi’kmaq Cannabis stores, and the PDF version of the newsletter can be viewed here. A higher quality (32mb) version of the newsletter is available for download here.

Upcoming Micmac Rights events and actions
A PDF version of this image with clickable links for upcoming Micmac Rights Association meetings is available here.

RCMP raid Bear Buds in Eskasoni to enforce provincial laws on Indigenous lands
Bear Buds in Eskasoni First Nation, Mi’kmaw territory was raided by the RCMP detachment in Eskasoni on Thursday, Jan 18, 2023 at around noon. Several armed RCMP officers came in two vehicles to the store and attempted to force their way in as employees barred their entry. An officer claiming to be a “provincial inspector,”…

Jan 28th Meeting of Micmac Rights Association
From 10am to 6pm, on Saturday Jan 28th, 2023, the Micmac Cannabis Association will be holding its regular biannual meeting. The meeting will be held in Millbrook First Nation, at the community hall. In order to attend and to receive the agenda and information package for the event, please fill out the form below. Meals and…

We demand the immediate termination of the Cape Breton Regional Police Services policing agreement with Membertou First Nation!
Sign the petition to support William Paul and Paul MacDonald. It reads as follows: Loading… Whereas, police officers belonging to the Cape Breton Regional Police Service (CBRPS) raided the premises of Sully’s Trading Post and Belly Busters Pizza & Donair on the unceded Mi’kmaw lands of Membertou First Nation on December 13th, 2022 and unlawfully…

Cape Breton municipal police trample on Mi’kmaq rights in Membertou First Nation raids
Former National Chief Del Riley denounces “blatant violation” of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights. By Dispensing Freedom MEMBERTOU FIRST NATION – In December of last year, the Cape Breton Regional Police Service carried out multiple raids in Membertou First Nation in violation of the constitutionally protected Aboriginal and Treaty Rights of several Mi’kmaq men. On December 13th,…