February 24, 2025 Caption: A collection of images and screenshots from recent RCMP raids. Beginning on February 4, 2025, the Nova Scotia RCMP initiated a series of raids targeting Mi’kmaq-owned truckhouses and residences across Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) many of which belong to Micmac Rights Association members. These raids are ongoing, and while details are still…
Category: Organizations

Sign the Petition to stand with Clinton Ray Howard!
Loading… Chief Riley speaks about Clinton Ray Howard’s Rights

Video of Chief Del Riley’s talk at the Gitpu Trading Post in St. John
On May 10th, 2024 former National Chief Del Riley spoke to a packed house at the Gitpu trading post at 91 Russell Street. Chief Riley was in St. John to deliver a letter to various local authorities informing them of his correspondence with Public Safety Minister, Kris Austin regarding the April 26th, 2024 raid on the Gitpu Trading Post by Public Safety officers.

Chief Del Riley to speak at Gitpu Trading Post on May 10
Former National Chief Del Riley will be speaking at the Gitpu trading post on Friday at Noon at 91 Russel Street, St. John. See you there!

Amu Leaf wins court victory – conditions dropped!
Chief Riley won a major victory in a Dartmouth courtroom today in appearing for four Mi’kmaw people charged after the Halifax Regional Police raided treaty truckhouse Amu Leaf. The former National Chief raised a constitutional argument that the various provisions of the Treaty of 1752 meant that the conditions imposed on the defendants to not…

Halifax Regional Police trample on Mi’kmaq Treaty Rights
In an interview with Dispensing Freedom, Mr. Durfee stated that when the Halifax Regional Police/RCMP – led by Detective Constable Jeffrey Seebold – raided Amu Leaf, the officers displayed significant “ignorance and racism” in their conduct. Durfee says that the officers “ripped all of our treaty materials off the walls and shredded them, tore down all our signage from the walls, and smashed all of our security cameras.”

All out to support Amu Leaf!
Join former National Chief Delbert Riley, Amu Leaf spokesperson Thomas Durfee, and members of the Micmac Rights Association for a rally, press conference, and court hearing at 9am at the Dartmouth Courthouse at 277 Pleasant St. to challenge the constitutionality of the bail conditions imposed on Micmac people exercising their rights.

More than 50 Mi’kmaw fishers charged with fishery offences in Nova Scotia courts
From Ku’Ku’ Kwe News by Maureen Googoo September 25 2023 More than 50 Mi’kmaw fish harvesters from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are currently before the courts in Nova Scotia on fishery-related offences. The charges range from fishing for lobster or elver eels without authorization, failing to use lobster tags issued by Fisheries and Oceans…

List of 54 Mi’kmaw fishers charged with fishery offences
From Ku’Ku’ Kwes News by Maureen Googoo September 25 2023 Editor’s note: Several of these court cases have been updated since this list was initially published on Sept. 25, 2023. Ku’ku’kwes News has been tracking the court cases of 54 Mi’kmaw fish harvesters from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick who are before the Nova Scotia courts for…