The second edition of the Mi’kmaq Cannabis Newsletter has been published. Hard copies are available from participating Mi’kmaq Cannabis stores, and the PDF version of the newsletter can be viewed here.

Supporters join Chris Googoo at courthouse to defend Micmac Sovereignty and Treaty Rights
BY ADMIN ON NOVEMBER 1, 2022 DARTMOUTH, NS – Over 40 people accompanied Chris Googoo to his court date at the Dartmouth courthouse on October 11th, 2022. Googoo, an Elected Councillor and entrepreneur in Millbrook First Nation, is raising a constitutional challenge to defend his Aboriginal and Treaty rights to sell cannabis on unceded Indian lands…

Upcoming meetings and events in Millbrook First Nation Oct 11-13
MILLBROOK FIRST NATION – The Mi’kmaq Rights Association is hosting a number of events from October 11th to 13th in Millbrook First Nation. Stand with Chris Googoo! – 9am Tuesday Oct 11 At 9am on Tuesday, October 11th, there will be a rally at the court house at 277 Pleasant St. in Dartmouth Nova Scotia…

RCMP and Provincial Tax Collectors raid Sovereign Mi’kmaq smoke shop
On Wednesday, Oct 6th, the RCMP escorted Charles Naugle, a Fuel and Tobacco Officer of Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services, into Cole Harbour, a district of Millbrook First Nation, where he and another officer proceeded to confiscate tobacco products sold at the High Grade Smoke Shop.

Mi’kmaq Rights Association founding meeting – Wednesday October 12, 2022
The founding meeting of the Mi’kmaq Rights Association will be held from 6pm to 9pm on Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 at the top floor of High Grade at 171 Abenaki Rd. in Millbrook First Nation. For more info, call Chris Googoo at 902-890-1823. In order to attend, please fill out the following form. Loading… If…

Micmac Rights Newsletter #2
The second edition of the Mi’kmaq Cannabis Newsletter has been published. Hard copies are available from participating Mi’kmaq Cannabis stores, and the PDF version of the newsletter can be viewed here.

Judge dismisses charges against Mi’kmaw business accused of unlicensed cannabis sales
CBC by Erin Pottie September 2 2022 Albert Marshall Jr. is shown in a file photo outside a building that was being used by his business, Bear Buds Trading Post. (Erin Pottie/CBC) A Cape Breton man waited nearly two years to argue for what he says is his right to sell cannabis on reserve lands. But just…

Albert Marshall of Eskasoni FN has had all charges dropped after RCMP refuses to show up in court
Dispensing Freedom, August 29, 2022 Albert Marshall, a Mi’kmaq man from Eskasoni First Nation has had all of his charges dropped after the RCMP refused to show up in court on Monday August 29th to provide evidence about raiding his cannabis shop. Marshall was providing medicine to people in his community in accordance with his…

Mi’kmaq Cannabis Newsletter #1
The first edition of the Mi’kmaq Cannabis Newsletter has been published. Hard copies are available from participating Mi’kmaq Cannabis stores, and the PDF version of the newsletter can be viewed here.

A position paper from the Mi’kmaq Cannabis Association
The PDF Version of this document is available here. June 27, 2022 In January of 2022 the Millbrook First Nation Band Council organized a community consultation directed by Claire Marshall. The purpose was to develop a “community perspective on cannabis governance” at Millbrook First Nation. The process was co-ordinated by Claire Marshall and Gerald D….