The Micmac Rights Association is an organization that exists outside and against Canada’s racist Indian Act system. We are building an organization to fight for the inherent sovereign rights of the Micmac people, with a focus on defending our rights to our own fishing, tobacco, and cannabis economies. We are holding our biannual meeting on…

SIGN THE PETITION: Defend the L’nuk Lounge! Stop Criminalizing the Indigenous Economy!
The L’nuk Lounge, a Micmac sovereign cannabis dispensary operating off-reserve in Moncton, New Brunswick in accordance with constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights was raided by “Public Safety” Officers on Wednesday, August 30th, 2023. In letters written on May 2nd, May 4th, July 6th, and August 29th of 2023, L’Nuk Lounge representatives – including former…

We will keep our rights! No more raids! Stand in solidarity with the L’nuk Lounge!
At noon on Tuesday, Sept 5th, join supporters of the L’nuk Lounge at the office of Public Safety minister Kris Austin at 414 Collishaw St. Moncton, to demand that the province respect Micmac rights to trade and uphold the treaties signed by the Crown. The Micmac people never surrendered or sold any land to the…

Millbrook RCMP detachment assist Province in illegally raiding King of Weed dispensary in Millbrook First Nation and assaulting Micmac people
On June 1st, 2023, members of the Millbrook RCMP assisted provincial tobacco and fuel officers in stealing over $100,000 of trade goods from the King of Weed truck house in Millbrook First Nation. In doing so, the officers assaulted a Micmac woman and man who were filming the raid. Check out the videos below.

Videos from the May 29th Micmac Rights meeting on Cannabis Control Law and Custom Election Code
On May 29th, 2023, the Micmac Rights Association held a meeting at Legends, in Millbrook First Nation to discuss the Band Council’s proposed Cannabis Control Law and Custom Election Code. This is a video excerpt from that meeting.

The Proposed Millbrook FN Band Custom Election Code is a danger to democracy that empowers the Band Administration
The following is an assessment of the Millbrook First Nation Band Custom Election Code which is being proposed to replace the current election system which is determined by sections 74(1)-80 of the Indian Act and the government of Canada’s Indian Band Election Regulations. As the guiding principles of the proposed Election Code make clear, this is an election code which operates in accordance with the Indian Act. It is thus by definition, not a process which is “consistent with our [Mi’kmaq] unique customs, practices and traditions.”

Top 10 Reasons why the proposed Millbrook Cannabis Control Law is a scam
Read our position papers on the proposed Millbrook Cannabis Control Law here for a full break down of the problems with this proposed law.

An initial response to the Draft Millbrook First Nation Cannabis Control Law by the Micmac Rights Association – May 10, 2023
Unfortunately, our worst fears have been confirmed by the final draft of the Millbrook Cannabis Control Law that is being brought to the Band Council for discussion on May 9th, 2023. This draft law does not take into account the opinions of either the band members or the cannabis dispensary owners who were supposedly consulted in the report. It replicates all the failed policies of the Kahnawake cannabis law, which has been a disastrous failure not only in Kahnawake, but in Six Nations, Tyendinaga, and everywhere else it has been tried.

Announcing our winners!
Thank you to everyone who participated. We’ll see you in the next contest.

Micmac Rights Association offers over $2000 in cash prizes for social media like and share campaign
Share great content, win awesome prizes! From April 17th to April 22nd, every Micmac Rights Association post you like, share, or comment on will get you entered into a draw to win cash and store prizes from participating Micmac retailers. Everyone over 18 can participate and share as much as you want. Winners will be…